
Posts Tagged ‘embrace’


  • Was it?


It surely was

he peaked-

saw your shadow,

the shadow –satisfied his soul.

For a while it did,

then he wondered-

was it really your shadow ?

or fate’s playing a joke on him?

one and then two.

is it his memory or lack of it, not sure!

but damn, he really thought it was your’s ,

to satisfy his soul.

when he called it a night-all he could remember,

gave him your support, oh! So tender.

That comforting gentleness was there –

lasted nine months or less,

but satisfied his soul,

like melting  snow when the spring shower glowed!

When it was flooding all around,

you stood by him –

made sure  to ease his pain, while it lasted.

And that satisfied his soul.

But the yearning remained –

As he craved your embrace,

while he stood alone,

by the door-

looking at the ajar ~

Hoping to satisfy his soul.

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